I think it’s such a great idea, especially as I don’t work great big long chunks in one go. It would be a great way for me to work and also get a break/time away from home in. I shall have a look at the northern Spain option as we’ve just been talking today about holidaying up there.

The summer holiday here in Spain is around 11-12 weeks and as a freelancer, I have to be really careful about time I take off.

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11-12 weeks wow 😯 I also work best in short bursts and can totally see how this model could work for me. If you give the one in Spain a go do let me know how you find it. Thanks for your comment x

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Omg the idea of a workation is genius! I'd never heard of it before and it's great to see provisions for it.

Of course, the cost would need to be considered, but perhaps it can be considered an 'investment' of sorts where you are investing in a holiday for your kids and the opportunity for you to work whilst in holiday-like surroundings. You'd probably get more done than if you were at home + your kids get a holiday.

As I have now transitioned into freelancing, this seems ideal and I think if you had a 9-5 where they allow you work from anywhere, this would be perfect too.

I am currently in India with my parents and my kids, trying to give the kids some sort of holiday while I try to get my projects off the ground. I had a day structure in mind, but of course, that's not happening. I've vowed to myself that I will not get upset if my work doesn't happen when I 'planned' it to happen, however I also remain committed to still get stuff done. Let's see how it goes!

Thanks for sharing this great find, I might share it in my own newsletter!

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Thanks so much Abha. I was so interested to see that there were different kinds of options out there, including places where you can easily work that are super optimised for entertaining children. I guess it depends a lot on the ages and personalities of your children too? One of mine could play quite happily near me, the other definitely needs someone to provide entertainment! I'd love to see more of these kinds of places open up, especially as the world of work is shifting so much right now.

I totally hear you in terms of having a schedule in mind but not necessarily needing to be fixed to it. I spent 6 weeks in France with my partner's family last year and had a few attempts at some kind of work-holiday structure. I found that short bursts of work worked best for me and my children, and early evening was a good time to focus as the weather was milder and the children were tired. Good luck with it. And yes, if you're able to share I'd totally appreciate it! Take care, Jan x

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